Canine Connection training

Film & TV
As a dog owner you know first hand how hard it is to say no to your little pooch when he wants a treat. A strategy a new study suggests is the result of the long human-dog interaction.
The sights and smells of spring can be an excitable time for a dog. Annika McDade, from Canine Connection Training, shares her expert tips that'll help keep your pet pooch under control.
Annika McDade with Canine Connection Training gives tips on how to keep your four legged friend comfortable and safe during the excitement of Halloween.
With many people taking road trips this summer it can be a challenge to figure out how to comfortably bring Fido along for the adventure. Community reporter Michael Newman gets some tips from dog expert Annika McDade of Canine Connection Training, on how to keep your dog cool, calm, and comfortable in the car.
As the weather gets colder many of us are walking our dogs less. that can lead to behavior issues with our furry friends. Canine behaviour consultant Annika McDade joins us now with tips on how to maintain your dog's mental health.
Canine Behaviour Consultant Annika McDade gives us some tips on how to deal with reactive dogs, especially now that the weather is improving and everyone it seems is out on the Vancouver Seawall.
Articles & Podcasts
This week I have a unique treat for you. After getting my dog Carl last April, I went on the search for a Dog Trainer and ended up meeting the incredible Annika McDade. Annika is a triple certified Professional Dog Trainer & Behaviour Consultant, who focuses primarily on the connection between dogs and their people. After working with Annika I was most compelled by her ability to relate canine training to human connection and relationship.
A franchise is born and Instinct is proud to be a part of the success story of Belle et Sebastien. Once again back in the Alps for the second instalment with trainers and dogs and bears oh my!
Wolf Totem depicts the dying culture of the Mongols-the ancestors of the Mongol hordes who at one time terrorized the world-and the parallel extinction of the animal they believe to be sacred: the fierce and otherworldly Mongolian wolf.
Annika McDade says larger dogs play and interact differently with smaller dogs and can be too forceful with them, potentially causing injury. In some rare instances, larger dogs can mistake smaller ones for prey if they get too riled up in a game of chase.
Furry friends could be costing you hundreds more on your hydro bill. BC Hydro study found 52% of pet owners say comfort of their animal more important than saving electricity.
It’s little wonder that wolves are a go-to symbolic device in highly dramatic film and television: they’re mysterious; they’re stoic; they’re dangerous; their eyes are pools of wisdom and wonder.
Adopting this dog has been one of the most difficult things Adam and I have done, but also the most rewarding, by far. That old saying rings true about how it’s tough to know who rescued who. Getting a dog, adopted or not, when you’re ready, is simply the best decision you could make.